Google Speed Optimization

Boost your website loading speed using Google Speed Optimization. Website loading speed directly affects the decision of a potential customer whether to stay on your website or not. Even a 1-second delay may cause your clients to abandon the slowly loading page and move on to the website of your competitors. Google Speed Optimization service will make your website loading speed lightning-fast, which will considerably improve user experience and increase the conversion rate!

How we do it?

Our team of experts starts with in-depth analysis of the factors that are slowing down your website. After they have been identified, we correct or eliminate the issues one by one. As a rule, the process of Google Speed Optimization implies the minification of JavaScript/CSS, optimization of images, elimination of render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content, correction of tap targets and leveraging browser caching. Extensive experience and innovative approach help our experts to rectify the problems quickly and efficiently, making your website load faster than ever, attracting and converting new customers. Outstanding test results are the best reflection of our work, check them now to see how we can help you!

  • Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript
  • Leverage browser caching
  • Optimize images
  • add CSS in above-the-fold content
  • Minify JavaScript / Minify CSS
  • Size tap targets appropriately

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